DEFCON 4, Double Take Or Green Alert Level
DEFCON 4, also called Double Take is an increase in intel gathering and strengthening of security protocols and is also called the 'green alert' status. This condition status is considered "Above Normal Readiness".
The status alert color for DEFCON 4, or Double Take is green. This condition is just one level lower than normal readiness and the military is on a lower state of readiness status during Double Take than the previous alerts. The only alert status safer than this condition status is level 5, or Fade Out.
The United States alert status might be set to Defcon 4, or Double Take after a precision strike on an enemy target, or after a precision strike has been carried out by an enemy.
Double Take, or Defcon 4 may also be reached during a time of uncertainty while intelligence is gathered to indicate the severity of a situation, or any situation where above normal readiness is required.