US Representative Predicts Chinese Invasion On Taiwan After Winter Olympics
WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Michael McCaul has predicted that China will invade Taiwan sometime after the Winter Olympics are finished being held next month.
"I do think after the Olympics — China has gotten so provocative, so aggressive in the South China Sea, that you are going to see the CCP, the [Chinese] Communist Party invading Taiwan" McCaul stated.
McCaul said that Biden's botched messaging on the Ukraine crisis when he eluded to the fact that a minor incursion would elicit a minor response, which McCaul says made the United States look weak which he believes will be exploited.
"I would say [Jimmy] Carter’s the worst president in my life,” McCaul said. “But this guy really takes the cake, and I’ve never seen, in one year, our standing on the world stage diminish so rapidly and quickly to the detriment of our national security" he said.
While Biden walked back his statements afterword, many believe it's already too late and that the damage is done.
Biden said afterword, "If any, any assembled Russian units move across the Ukrainian border, that is an invasion. It will be met with [a] severe and coordinated economic response".
McCaul isn't convinced that Biden's correction did much good, saying "My prediction is that you’re going to see a Russia invading Ukraine in the next month".
"[Chinese President] Xi is watching what happens in Ukraine, they also watched what happened with Afghanistan, and don’t think for a minute that didn’t have an impact on their calculus", he aid.
"Putin’s always wanted the Ukraine back, he wants the Soviet empire to reclaim the throne,” McCaul added. “Xi wants Imperial China and Taiwan is a part of that. So they see this, because of the weakness, as an opportunity to do this".
McCaul said that the U.S. needs to ramp up its military presence in the Indo-Pacific to show China that we're serious and arm Taiwan will more weapons.
"We need to arm Taiwan with more weapons, and I signed off on a lot of those sales, and I think also we need to establish better economic, trade relationships in the region to counter the Belt and Road Initiative that China, unfortunately, has been so successful at".